Our goal of this blog is to share stories (both good and bad), thoughts and insights about our marriage and we would love for you to jump into the conversation.

The goal is to provide three things:
1) HOPE for struggling couples that they are not alone.
2) GROWTH in our marriages and our understanding of marriage.
3) ENCOURAGEMENT to keep loving your spouse unconditionally.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Change is in the Air

Hey everyone,

We have just signed with Living Word Literary Agency this past week and have begun working with one of their agents to publish a book on marriage that is along the same lines of our blog. We are really excited!!!

Our agent had some great advice on how to reach more people with what we feel God has placed on our hearts about marriage and part of that was changing our title to help draw in more people. Thus, our new title (and Facebook group title and blog title) is The Holymess of Marriage.

The Facebook group change was easy but unfortunately, we had to create a whole new blog page. The new link is:


Sorry for any inconvenience! Please update your links and please help spread the word as blogs and Facebook are a HUGE part of the publishing world now!


As always - any thoughts, questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know!

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